When: 6th June 2003
What: My big boss birthday evil dia nih birthdate 0606
I was: 26 years, 6 months and 2 days old
During my prime time, when there were limbo dancing took place in any party, I never failed to queue the line taking my turn, bending my body backward and going under the stick. And most of the time, I finished among the last three survivors. And I've won some prizes, too! But I couldn't remember the prizes I won, hmmm maybe some nights with bimbos... ooppss I mean one-year subscription to Bambino magazine, anyone remember this magazine?I just loved limbo dancing besides lap dancing. It's such a good way to break the ice, but I'm still trying to understand why it's always guys/men who take part in limbo dancing, at least in this country. Well, what other better ways to break the ice (orang kita kata pecah tanah.... hahahah). Maybe the fruit basket the ladies/girls are carrying. :-D about limbo dancing here
But, if you ask me to do it now... I can still bend my body backward but I'm afraid I'll bend it permanently, or at least along the way to the hospital.
And if you're planning to have limbo dancing at your party, limbo dancing is incomplete without this song...
Every limbo boy and girl, all around the limbo world. Gonna do the limbo rock, all around the limbo clock. Jack be limbo, Jack be quick. Jack go unda limbo stick, all around the limbo clock. Hey, let's do the limbo rock. Limbo lower now, limbo lower now, how low can you go? First you spread your limbo feet, then you move to limbo beat. Limbo ankolimboneee, bend back like a limbo tree. Jack be limbo, Jack be quick. Jack go unda limbo stick, all around the limbo clock. Hey, let's do the limbo rock. la la la la la la la la la la... Get yourself a limbo girl, give that chic a limbo whirl. There's a limbo moon above, you will fall in limbo love. Jack be limbo, Jack be quick. Jack go unda limbo stick, all around the limbo clock. Hey, let's do the limbo rock. Don't move that limbo bar! You'll be a limbo star, how low can you go?
...and make sure you invite people below 30s to your party, otherwise you'll end up having bimbo dancing, instead of limbo dancing!
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