It was the first day of Ramadhan in office this year. Dengan takde meetingnya, just looking at sets of data, cuaca pulak mendung dan hujan renyai-renyai, mengantuknya Tuhan sahajalah yang tahu.
Apa-apa pun, it was an uneventful day, nothing interesting to share except one event yang buat aku terpaksa make some important decision in life. The day was like a vanilla ice-cream with mengkudu topping. Boleh gitu? Anyway, ni aku nak share gambar taken last raya antara aku dengan si Darwish, yang aku cerita in my previous entry. Comel dak si Darwish ni? Yang dukung tu pun comel dak? Hehehehe...
Ok, back to the vanilla ice cream with mengkudu topping story. Had a discussion with my Director of Corp Services about my current situation and my plan. In conclusion, she's not supportive of my plan for internal transfer, especially with the two VPs resigning and it'll be unfair to my SVP, si Puaka tu laahh.
Walaupun Director HR aku ada janji nak tolong aku in any way to make me stay sungguhpun Director Corp Services tak setuju dengan plan aku, aku rasa tak molek lah nak guna cara ni. After all department aku reports to Director of Corp Services. So, pilihan lain... resign lah and look for other job, somewhere else.
It's just a matter of time. Aku still contemplating whether to speak to my ex-boss or not since aku tak berapa favor going back to my previous workplace. But, it's still the best option I have at this moment. Cuma sekarang ni aku agak buntu, tak tau what, where, when, who and how about my next job, kalau ada.
Anyway, kepada yang dah start bagi moral support, tolong forward-forwardkan CV aku dan wish me good luck, TQVM dan aku really appreciate it. Yang sedihnya, last Ramadhan I was hoping and praying to get in (this company) but this Ramadhan, I am hoping and praying to get out...
UK Trip : Day -2 weeks before.
6 years ago
darwish : totally 100% cute
tukang dukung : so-so la..ahhahahaa
btw, kita berdepan dgn situasi yg sama.. buntu.
Last ramadhan ko doa nak dapat 'somebody' and right after raya, u've got one, ingat dak?. But somehow, something got wrong somewhere that both of you cannot cross path, hehehehe
Eh, ko suka budak2 kan Deo. I noticed that!
erk..apesal Darwish mcm tak hepi je org yg macho mcm tu dukong dia?
he he he..
kau cuba tengok kaler baju Melayu dia ada sama dengan kau punya cekelat ke?
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