Monday, July 02, 2007

There goes your bonus, mate!

I was so stressful last night, as usual, thinking that I have to go back to work the next morning. So, the best way to start a week is to blog about something light, no other than 'gossip'. :-)

This article appeared in Mingguan Malaysia's Pancaindera yesterday.

It may shocked some people and as usual, Malaysians would always ask, "who's the artiste?" instead of "who's that artist's husband?"

Let's study the subjects in the article:

1) The husband - He was the HR Director of a Government-linked company which recently announced its full year net loss of RM591.4 million.

2) What the husband did? I was told he used his corporate credit card to pay for the downpayment for his newly bought house. I was not told where the house is or how much exactly the payment was but it's a 5-digit amount. remember... Rm10,000 is a 5-digit amount. So does, RM99,999.99

3) The artiste - Since it's the least thing that matters in this article, I'd not waste my time discussing who she is. In fact, I never considered her as an artiste and I only read once about her, which was the article on her wedding with the earlier described jerk. Poor Malaysians, we're so fucked up, we even consider her as artiste?!

4) Not in the article but a subject worth discussing. Back in 2005, before the jerk was appointed as the HR Director by the Chairman, who's another jerk, the poor company they used to be rich! only has it's HR Department headed by a Head and supported by 4 Managers. But, since he took over the department, there's him as Director, one GM and 10 managers! Go figure... and they reported RM591.4 million net loss!!

Talking about leadership by example? It makes me choke.

My fellow friends, your bonuses are all well-spent, trust me...

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