Monday, September 10, 2007

Luq's wedding

Selamat pengantin baru - Luq and Halis, semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. Amien...

For whatever reasons, I don't really fancy going to wedding's reception. Or maybe I need a good pair of ear plugs before attending any wedding reception but the problem is that I like to hear the sound of kompang very much.

But, this wedding reception is simply an exception.

Look at the lovely bride and groom. I know Luq back since we were studying in Section 17's PPP before we further our studies in the US. And now Luq, without fail, will come and see me once in every three months to get my thumbprint for withdrawal of my EPF fund and reinvest in unit trust. He's my so-called wealth advisor now.

Forget the fancy invitation card (Luq only invites me verbally on phone and followed that up with an sms two days before the reception - not after I asked him where's the sms invite he promised to send) or the dress code of 'baju kebangsaan' which I refused to wear and Luq has to compromise by telling me "kalau nak pakai suit, pakai lah... itu baju kebangsaan juga, untuk orang putih..."

It's simply an exeptional wedding for an exceptional friend. Congrats bro!

And a chance to touch base with some old friends too with olders faces now...

with Diddy, Katon and Jimmy. Katek, Baen were there too. Ejump was the event photographer. Met Asma and her hubby too..

One less lonely person in the world and it's gonna be fine... Few take-aways for me from the reception, the akad nikah was held earlier on the auspicious 07.07.07, Halis is 6-year younger than Luq, the food by D'Saji was good and I like the plain beriyani (minus raisins and cashew nuts), and there's basement parking at the Dewan Felda in case it rains.


zewt said...

yo!!! could be pass me diddy's contact? i know that guy... syamsul right? we used to work together. that fella went to singapore and then we lost contact.

drop me a mail at zewtness(at)

many thanks bro...

Elf said...

Kenapa muka bride tu sangat familiar bagi aku ek..
Aku kenal ke? SAngat musykil..

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