It came to my surprise when it appears in a local newspaper that KJ anak menantu siapa laaa ni?! is the front runner for the Deputy President post in FAM following the resignation of Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah after the national football team's embarrassing defeats in the Asian Cup last July.
The article in Utusan Malaysia said KJ is the best available candidate to fill up the post and is backed by all 14 state FAs, 8 independent members of FAM, Melayu Malaysia FA and Wanita Malaysia FA. He is also seen to win the post uncontested.
My response... buta ke? Oh, Malaysia or Melayu mudah lupa. Don't anyone remember last July when everyone cries for politicians to not involve in running country's sports association? Don't they know that KJ will be busy lobbying for a seat to contest for in the next GE and he'll be busy contesting the Youth UMNO Chief post? Don't all these qualify him as a politician? Don't we have anyone else better to take up the post? At least not a nerd from Oxbridge, dude!
Or maybe kentut dia wangi that anyone supporting him for the post is willing to stick their nose in KJ's ass when he farts.
Maybe they have reasons biasalah nak dapat projek to get a whiff of KJ's fart or of other politicians who's running the country, who always try to make us believe that our farts smell so nice, better than farts in other countries...Maybe I should sniff more farts now... this is what we should call aromatherapy, and it's free!!
Kalau bulan bisa ngomong... dia jujur gak akan bohonng. I wish the moon runs this country. Moon? Bulan? Huh? Bulan penuh ke bulan sabit?
UK Trip : Day -2 weeks before.
6 years ago
BroRol,aslkum.My first reaction after reading the pink attachment LOL ahahahah *ni ketawa terbalik* Hai, MatSalleh Amerika kalau buat apebende pun akan diterima oleh dunia.Hahaha,yeke kentuts boleh sembuhkan penyakit2 tersebut jika dihidu?Camne diorg kumpul kentuts2 tersebut?Pd BroLans kalau 'buang angin' tu ade gak pekdahnye...dan sunggoh kurang sopans kentuts depan public :-) Wsalam
Deo, no wonder la tadi aku sakit perut sangat-sangat... Sampai kena lari balik from KLCC... bawak kereta tak ingat dunia. Dah makan pil chi kit teck aun baru lega. Rupa-rupanya awak tulis pasal kentut. Hrmph.
kih kih kih
ko sgt marah ye :P
takpe.. kasi itu angin kuar banyak banyak baru ok :P
oh ye.. btw, aku ada menjual kuih raya aahahaha :D
mari la membeli kuih raya!!!
Wei Deo
Aku kentut tarak bau, masih valid lagi ke claim Dr CDC tu
brother lans, pity orang yang kena cium all the kentuts tu.. mesti balik rumah hilang selera for everything...
all jazzed up, excuse me takde kena mengena ok... hahahah kau yg terkemput kemput sampai semerbak di alam maya ni....
sity29, next time a ceo ask u what are u doing? u reply... nothing!! i'm just sniffing on farts...
lord budak... kau tu kentut berbunyi mmg le tak bau, ni jenis yg silencer nye.. mcm haluuusssss je keluar dari asshole...
ehheeh :P
i was once an innocent girl :)
still am an innocent lady
weiiii aku nak beli kete baru aaa:P
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