4th November 2008: American created history. Barack Obama became the nation's first black president of the USA. Though Obama is not the youngest President when moving into the Oval office at 47 years, 5 months (Ulysses S. Grant was 46y10m, Theodore Roosevelt was 42y,7m, John F Kennedy was 43y,7m, Bill Clinton was 46y,5m), he was one with the least of experienced in national political affairs, serving only his first term a Senator before he announcing that he is running for the presidency.
Somehow, aku ada subscribe mailing list 'Obama for America' and have been getting emails either from Mr. President, the next First Lady, Mr. Presidents's friends and most of the time, the Campaign Manager, David Plouffe. Dan aku lebih tertarik bila baca profil David Plouffe ni. Memang gempak! Memang mastermind. Especially bila Obama decided to go for private donations (instead of public financing) which allows him to spend more than $84.1 million (maximum amount to spend if using public financing), aku rasa it was the start of 'the change'.
Dan memang kagum laa aku baca profil mamat David Plouffe ni (baca sini). Agaknya, kalau dulu aku amik Political Science, entah-entah aku jadi campaign manager untuk Joe Biden ke Hillary Clinton ke. Tak pun Pak Lah ke? Adoiii... harus kena sack lepas 8th March punya election hari tu. Hahahaha... anyway, anything is possible kan? Daripada just tengok Morgan Freeman jadi black American President, kini dah jadi nyata. Itulah the land of free, and the home of the brave.
Yang kita pulak...
The land of? Public holidays...
Tak percaya?
Korang check sikit 2009 public holidays.
Chinese New Year (26, 27-Jan) - Isnin dan Selasa
Thaipusam (8-Feb) - Ahad
Maulidur Rasul (9-Mac) - Isnin
Labor day (1-Mei) - Jumaat
Wesak (9-Mei) - Sabtu
Agong's birthday (6-Jun) - Sabtu
National Day (31-Ogos) - Isnin
Hari raya puasa (20, 21-Sep) - Ahad dan Isnin
Deepavali (17-Okt) - Sabtu
Hari raya haji (27, 28-Nov) - Jumaat dan Sabtu
Awal muharam (18-Dis) - Jumaat
Christmas (25-Dis) - Jumaat
Haaa amik semuanya either Jumaat, Sabtu, Ahad atau Isnin. So, kepada cik wokz-cik wokz yang nak plan merayap tu, bolehlah plan dari sekarang, boleh buat booking AirAsis awal-awal. Yang nak plan buat kenduri-kendara, plan laa elok-elok. Tak payah laaa tunggu cuti sekolah, susah orang nak datang banyak sangat kenduri time cuti sekolah. Tahun 2009, buat time tak cuti sekolah pun takpe, most of the time long weekends. Kenduri aku? Aku buat weekday je time breakfast, makan roti canai. Save budget, boleh?
Kalau korang nak full calendar tu, korang carilah sendiri.
UK Trip : Day -2 weeks before.
6 years ago
untuk mereka yang berkerja di KL
hari wilayah 1 feb -ahad, so isnin cuti, yayyy
(tapi kan slangor still banyak cuti kan)
US Vice President to be nama macam Melayu la... Biden = BIDIN..
mai compare dgn bangla public holidays...
1 Jan New Year's Day.
10 Jan Islamic New Year.
21 Feb International Mother Language Day.
9 Mar Eid-e-Milad-un Nabi (Birth of the Prophet).
26 Mar Independence Day.
14 Apr Bangla New Year.
1 May Labour Day.
2 May* Buddha Purnima.
20 Jul Shab-e Barat (Ascension of the Prophet).
21 Sep (3 days) Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan).
2 Oct Durga Puja (Dashami).
20 Oct Shab e-Qadr (Evening of Destiny).
7 Nov National Revolution Day.
28 Nov (3 days) Eid ul-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice).
16 Dec Victory Day (Bijoy Dibosh).
With Obama been elected, i do feel a sence of winning since we share a bit of similarity just as the Kenyans and the Africans do. The name Hussein makes me very proud since we have too many hussien here.. We hope to see this President of change will bring changes he promises.
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